近期发现有不法分子以学校名义伪造录取通知书并收取高额费用(见下图)。为严肃学校招生管理秩序,防范招生诈骗,学校特严正声明:Recently, it was founded that some one falsified admission letters in the name of our university and charged High fees.(see figure below). In order to keep our sequence of admission work, and prevent fraud, we hereby make this solemn statement.

All the international student enrollment work of the university shall be undertaken by the College of International Education, SUST. Any other organization or individual is not entitled to engage in the enrollment work. The enrollment of foreign students through other channels belongs to the category of act of falsely using the name of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, which has nothing to do with Shaanxi University of Science and Technology.
留学生招生办公室电话:029-86168058。International Student admissions Office Tel: 029-86168058.
Student admission information and results please refer to the official website of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology and reply letter from e-mail: studyatsust@163.com.
Before the students register, we only charge 400 RMB as the application fee. The living allowance for doctorate students are up to 20000 Yuan per year.
Any unit or individual that fraudulently defrauds students in the name of our university or admissions office will be reported to related departments to investigate our legal responsibility in accordance with the law.
Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
College of International Education
17 December 2018