陕西科技大学来华留学生 Muhammad

陕科大留学生Muhammad Khaquan Sarwar
My name is Muhammad Khaqan Sarwar (from Pakistan) doing MS studies in materials science and engineering, Shaanxi University of science and technology. Since beginning of this novel coronavirus till now we are here at china. During this epidemic period we have experienced a number of things which no doubt a fortuitous and unforgettable experience of our life.
我的名字叫Muhammad Khaqan Sarwar(我来自巴基斯坦),是陕西科技大学材料科学与工程专业的硕士研究生。自从新型冠状病毒爆发以来,我一直在中国。在疫情期间,我经历了许多事情,这些无疑是我生活中的一次偶然经历,但毕生难忘。
At first it was taken as normal disease and we were advised by the school to keep yourself and room clean,and within few days the seriousness of this novel coronavirus was cleared when this novel virus easilyspread through dropletsandbreakout throughout china and then entire world,nowit becomes a global issue.
Health is the biggest blessing and health safety is biggest responsibility we learn it very well during these days, safety of each student was prime task of school management and for me as a group leader.School was taken some special task to make sure the safety, like no one go outside without permission, everyone should wear mask when go out, distribute thermometer,safety mask, disinfectantand manage online shops to buy vegetables and Halal meat and recordbody temperaturedata of each student,check temperature go out and before come back.

One of foreign student had acute peritonitis problem, we shifted herto the hospital in the mid of the night.As it was a serious condition,the doctor operated on her. We can’t left her alone, so one person all the time around him, got operated successfully and the whole week we had looked after voluntarily during this serious epidemic period, we bravely face every challenges, stay whole nights at hospital same as people of Wuhan facing these conditions at hospitals everyday.

This is the most difficult time in the history of china and we stay here stand with Chinese friends sacrifice and bear same difficulties as they have faced and we would be here and show our full support to Chinese brothers till the end of this hard time. We sincerely appreciate the efforts done by school and the government of china to make all of us safe and secure. I hope the virus would be controlled under all the special efforts of Chinese government and China would be a healthy and peaceful country as always.
